Give Us Your Feedback
We are keen to ensure that all the training offered by BCTG is always of the highest quality and fully meet the needs and expectations of every learner and employer.
To do this we need your feedback about what has worked well, and the areas that need improvement.
We try to collect this feedback in several ways, for instance by telephone, by email and through our website.

Annual Survey
We conduct an annual learner and employer survey. We may email you directly asking for your feedback on the training we provide, and how its helping you or your business develop and progress. We use this information to plan how we will continually improve our courses
Direct Surveys
We may also call you directly to get your feedback on a particular topic or course. If we do this, please remember that our staff will always introduce themselves by name and explain why they are calling. We will always keep the calls short, usually only a few minutes, but if it’s inconvenient to talk, please tell us straight away and we will arrange a better time to call back.
Complaints Procedure
If at any time you're unhappy with any aspect of the service we provide, please let us know. Below is our Complains Policy. This explains how you can raise a concern and how we will respond.
We aim to resolve all concerns informally, but where any individual or employer is unhappy with the service we have provided, the following procedure will apply. All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence and comply with the organisations Equality & Diversity policy.
Stage One
If you are unhappy with a programme or a service provided, please state the nature of the complaint, in writing, within 14 days to
The Group Operations Manager
BCTG, Taylors Lane, Oldbury, B69 2BN
Email -
Stage Two
Upon receipt of the complaint the Group Operations Manager will be responsible in ensuring that the complaint is investigated. Within 21 Days of receipt the Group Operations Manager will write to the you explaining the outcome of the investigation and describing how the issue will be addressed.
If the complaint cannot be investigated within 21 days, the Group Operations Manager will write to the you stating this and indicating when the investigation will be completed, and a response provided.
Stage Three
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation or the proposed remedial action, you can write directly to the BCTG Group Chairman. The Chairman will then investigate and write to the individual, describing the outcomes of the investigation and his final decision within 28 Days of notification of the complaint.
If the complaint cannot be investigated within this timescale, the Chairman will write to the individual stating when an investigation will be completed.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of this process, you can raise it directly to the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) via their Complaints Team at
Details of this process can be found at Complaints procedure - Education and Skills Funding Agency - GOV.UK (
This policy will be reviewed annually by the BCTG Board.
Your Views Really Do Count
We do really value your feedback, and it does make a real difference; so please take the time to respond. If you do not want BCTG to contact you regarding your training, or if we have the wrong contact details, please let us know immediately on 0121 544 6455 or email us on
As part of this follow up work, you may also be contacted by other organisations such as Ofsted, the Department for Education, Education & Skills Funding Agency who are also interested in your feedback.