What You Think About Us
We are keen to ensure that all the training offered by BCTG and its partners fully meet the needs and expectations of learners and employers.
To do this we need your feedback about what has worked well, and the areas that need improvement. We use this information to complete our Annual Self-Assessment of the quality of all our learning provision, and in particular how this helps our learners to progress and achieve.

We’re not only interested in how you progress while you’re on the course, but also how what you have learned helps you progress and improve afterwards. This may be a promotion at work, getting a new, better job, or improving your confidence and skills generally.
We do really value your feedback and your comments, good or bad, are always listened to. If you have any concerns, please let us know immediately. Our Complains procedure can be found here.
If you do not want BCTG to contact you, or if we have the wrong details, please let us know immediately on 0121 544 6455 , email us on enquiries@bctg.org.uk; or tell your Training Advisor.
As part of this follow up work, you may also be contacted by other organisations who fund your training, such as the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) or the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).